(Event format, schedule and prizes are all subject to change)


YBC Program Directors can purchase entries online by using their YBC Program Director online account. Select ‘YBC SHOOTOUT’ from the Main Menu.
Entry fee is $7 per bowler, per event. Boys and girls compete together in each of the events, namely;

Bantam Scratch, Junior Scratch, Senior Scratch
Bantam POA, Junior POA, Senior POA

Bantam Scratch, Junior Scratch, Senior Scratch
Bantam POA, Junior POA, Senior POA

$5 from each entry is added to the prize pool, which will be paid out 100%. Bowlers may enter in the POA event of their division, or the Scratch event or both. Payment is accepted by credit card only and must be paid in full before scores can be submitted.

If cancelling entry prior to commencement of competition (Week 1 Qualifying), Entry Fees will be refunded 100% and the affected event’s prize pool will be adjusted accordingly.



JANUARY 20 – 26 – Week 1 Qualifying
JANUARY 27 – FEBRUARY 2 – Week 2 Qualifying
FEBRUARY 3 – 9 – Week 3 Qualifying
FEBRUARY 10 – 16 – Brackets Round of 64
FEBRUARY 17 – 23 – Brackets Round of 32
FEBRUARY 24 – MARCH 2 – Brackets Round of 16
MARCH 3 – 9 – Brackets Round of 8
MARCH 10 – 16 – Brackets Round of 4



  • Bowlers shall enter the qualifying round using their highest league average (from all leagues, youth or adult, in the bowling centre of entry) at January 1st, 2025 (21-game minimum).
  • Bowlers who do not have a 21 game average for the current season shall use their highest league average (from all leagues, youth or adult, in the bowling centre of entry – 21 game minimum) from the previous season (2023-24).
  • Bowlers who do not have a 21 game average this season or last season shall use their highest average (from all leagues, youth or adult, in the bowling centre of entry) at January 1st, 2025.
  • Averages are required in Scratch Events only for the purposes of calculating doe scores.


5-Pin & 10-Pin events are conducted separately. Bowlers will compete in their YBC age division (Bantam, Junior, Senior) and will participate in the POA and/or Scratch divisions, based on the entry fee paid. Boys and Girls will compete together.

Fivepin Qualifying:
There are 3 weekly qualifying rounds and the top 16 bowlers (plus ties) each week (in both POA & Scratch divisions) will advance to the Bracket Finals. Additionally, a maximum of 16 wildcard spots will be awarded at the end of the qualifying rounds, thereby advancing 64 bowlers to the Bracket Finals in each division. Wildcard spots will be awarded to a maximum of 16 bowlers with the highest 3 week cumulative total (9 games) who did not already qualify for the Bracket Finals. The total number of Wildcard spots will be reduced should there be any ties for the last qualifying spot each qualifying week.

Tenpin Qualifying:
There are 3 weekly qualifying rounds and the top 8 bowlers (plus ties) each week (in both POA & Scratch divisions) will advance to the Bracket Finals. Additionally, a maximum of 8 wildcard spots will be awarded at the end of the qualifying rounds, thereby advancing 32 bowlers to the Bracket Finals in each division. Wildcard spots will be awarded to a maximum of 8 bowlers with the highest 3 week cumulative total (9 games) who did not already qualify for the Bracket Finals. The total number of Wildcard spots will be reduced should there be any ties for the last qualifying spot each qualifying week. If sufficient entries are received, bracket round will be increased as allowed.

For both Fivepin & Tenpin events, the first 3 regular weekly YBC league scores will be used and scores must be reported online, prior to the deadline date & time by the YBC Program Director or designated volunteer. For leagues that bowl more than 3 games, the first 3 games bowled are to be used for qualifying. 2 game leagues are not eligible. Prebowled scores are allowed. All prebowls must be verified and documented by the YBC Program Director or Proprietor, and retained for possible audit by the tournament committee. Additionally, a 90% doe score will be used when a competitor misses league bowling and has not prebowled. Qualifying weeks begin on Mondays and conclude on Sundays. ALL SCORES MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE PRIOR TO THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY AT 9:00AM (EASTERN). ALL DEADLINES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

In case of any dispute, the decision of the Tournament Committee will be final.


The top 16 bowlers each week (plus any bowlers tied for the last qualifying spot each week) will advance to the Championship Bracket Round. These 48 bowlers (plus ties) will be seeded according to their 3 game qualifying score with the highest total earning the #1 seed, second highest total will become the #2 seed, etc. If there is a tie for any seed, the bowler with the highest single (in their qualifying week) will become the higher seed. If there is a tie for highest single, all 3 qualifying scores will then be compared on a game by game basis, and the bowler with the highest score 2 out of 3 games will earn the higher seed.

Wildcard spots (maximum of 16, less any weekly ties as described above) will also advance to the Championship Bracket Round. Wildcard spots will be seeded below the top 48 (plus ties) and seeding will be based on the bowler’s 9 game cumulative event total. If there is a tie for any wildcard seed, the bowler with the highest single (over all 9 games) will become the higher seed.

The top 64 bowlers in each division (Bantam Scratch, Bantam POA, Junior Scratch, Junior POA, Senior Scratch & Senior POA) who have qualified for the Championship event will compete in a head to head elimination bracket format. The first 3 regular weekly league scores bowled will be used each round. Prebowled and doe scores can be used (as described above). If there is a tie in any bracket round, all 3 scores bowled will be compared on a game by game basis, and the bowler with the highest score 2 out of 3 games will be declared the winner. If the tie cannot be broken by this method, the highest single will determine the winner.

One half of the successful bowlers each round will advance until 1 champion is declared in each division. Bowlers can qualify for the Championship event in each division the bowler has paid the entry fee for.

The top 8 bowlers each week (plus any bowlers tied for the last qualifying spot each week) will advance to the Championship Bracket Round. These 24 bowlers (plus ties) will be seeded according to their 3 game qualifying score with the highest total earning the #1 seed, second highest total will become the #2 seed, etc. If there is a tie for any seed, the bowler with the highest single (in their qualifying week) will become the higher seed. If there is a tie for highest single, all 3 qualifying scores will then be compared on a game by game basis, and the bowler with the highest score 2 out of 3 games will earn the higher seed.

Wildcard spots (maximum of 8, less any weekly ties as described above) will also advance to the Championship Bracket Round. Wildcard spots will be seeded below the top 24 (plus ties) and seeding will be based on the bowler’s 9 game cumulative event total. If there is a tie for any wildcard seed, the bowler with the highest single (over all 9 games) will become the higher seed.

The top 32 bowlers in each division (Bantam Scratch, Bantam POA, Junior Scratch, Junior POA, Senior Scratch & Senior POA) who have qualified for the Championship event will compete in a head to head elimination bracket format. The first 3 regular weekly league scores bowled will be used each round. Prebowled and doe scores can be used (as described above). If there is a tie in any bracket round, all 3 scores bowled will be compared on a game by game basis, and the bowler with the highest score 2 out of 3 games will be declared the winner. If the tie cannot be broken by this method, the highest single will determine the winner.

One half of the successful bowlers each round will advance until 1 champion is declared in each division. Bowlers can qualify for the Championship event in each division the bowler has paid the entry fee for.


$5 from each entry will be contributed to the total prize pool. 100% of prize pool will be paid out. In the case of all ties, prizes will be split between tied bowlers evenly. Prize money cheques (Fivepin event only…see note below for Tenpin Scholarships) will be mailed to applicable bowling centres at the end of the event. A complete prize money breakdown will be posted on all bracket pages after the close of the entry period.

Special Note for Tenpin Bowlers: To ensure YBC complies with USBC rules and not negatively affect the future prospects of YBC bowlers, all prizes earned in the YBC Shootout (Tenpin event only) will be awarded in the form of a YBC scholarship. Cash prizes can render Tenpin bowlers ineligible for post-secondary scholarships, etc. and Youth Bowl Canada fully supports our young bowlers and their future choices.